Tag: after

A Little Concerned After Reading Wiki Travel

Wiki TravelA Wikipedia-like wiki journey guide could possibly be an amazing, free useful resource for information-hungry travelers. The present efforts have been starved for sources.

Uncyclopedia has an article about us, here (or right here ), which seems to satirise a RationalWiki page, with vandalized edits from Conservapedians in Uncyclopedia’s common vogue. Back in 2005, I was a vagabondĀ telecoms marketing consultant, flitting around the globe establishing messaging systems for mobile network operators. I beloved the journey, to the extent of willingly giving up my condo and living outĀ of a rollaboard suitcase for a year and half, however endlessly hashing through the necessities-deploy-take a look at-rinse-repeat cycle was starting to get outdated and I found myself spending an increasing number of time on Wikitravel. Online guides provide you with an outlet to share your pearls of wisdom with an appreciative viewers.

That’s true. On Wikitravel, you’d be exhausting-pressed to search …

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